Mutual Aid

In Indiana, 72 communities own and/or operate their electric utility. IMEA membership includes the majority of these communities who provide electric utility services to over 500,000 Hoosiers. 


Duane Richardson

Statewide Coordinator

Phone: 765-366-5506





Mutual Aid Information

In the event of a disaster, the IMEA Mutual Aid program is designed to provide trained personnel and assistance to any municipality, IOU or electric cooperative in or outside of the state of Indiana. Our first priority is to dispatch crews to IMEA member communities.

I would like to take this time to remind all IMEA member communities that in the event of an emergency, whether you are the recipient or aiding utility, to please keep the IMEA informed of any Mutual Aid activity. An email will tell us who is already involved and help us in coordinating efforts should the event escalate. (coordinate your calls through the IMEA). If you call your neighboring community without calling us first it may actually hinder our coordinating efforts to benefit all IMEA communities in the event of a widespread emergency. If someone calls you for assistance please ask them if they have contacted the IMEA. If you have sent crews to a neighboring community please let either me or one of the regional coordinators know at the IMEA.

As an important safety reminder, only permit “home utility” personnel to enter your substation during an emergency, mutual aid activity or any other time. If you have any questions about IMEA’s Mutual Aid program, please do not hesitate to contact me or any of the other statewide contacts.

It is also advisable to alert the IMEA to assist with the coordination of personnel and resources.

Duane Richardson
Executive Director

Contact Information

Duane Richardson
Phone: 765-366-5506

Willie Daniels - Scottsburg
Office: 812-599-5917


Procedures for Requesting Mutual Aid

  1. Survey the extent of damage and determine the need for assistance, manpower and equipment.
  2. If the emergency can be handled locally, or with minimal assistance call your neighboring municipal.
  3. If the emergency/disaster is of a larger magnitude, or initially thought to be a local emergency, but the situation has changed, contact IMEA’s Safety and Training Director or the IMEA Coordinators.
  4. When contacting Indiana Municipal Electric Association (IMEA) please provide the following information:
    1. Municipals or other entities that you have contacted, and the assistance being provided by that system.
    2. Number and type trucks and equipment needed.
    3. Number and classification of personnel needed.
    4. Weather or road conditions, or any other significant travel information.
    5. Where and to whom the crews should report. Provide a second contact person’s name for IMEA.