Since its inception in 1941, through the combined and collaborate leadership of hundreds of individuals who have served as members on the IMEA Board of Directors over the past 82 years, the IMEA has successfully enabled its members to more than recover the costs of their annual membership many times over. IMEA has never lost sight of its founding principles, commitment to the advancement and protection of municipally-owned electric utilities in Indiana and the right of its citizens to keep local control and services close to home.
One of the organization’s primary functions is to facilitate the exchange of ideas, information and best practices among member systems. IMEA provides members with cost-conscious, service-oriented programs and representation to ensure that membership remains an invaluable investment for everyone involved.
Regular Membership
Regular memberships in the Corporation shall be limited to those Indiana cities and towns with municipally owned and operated electric utilities.
Annual Dues: Calculated based on the annual kWh sales.
Associate Membership
Associate membership in the Corporation shall be limited to commercial, industrial and consulting firms associated with and interested in the electric utility industry.
Annual Dues: $440.00
2025 Associate Membership Renewal
Associate membership in the Corporation shall be limited to commercial, industrial and consulting firms associated with and interested in the electric utility industry.
Annual Dues: $440.00
Affiliate Membership
Affiliate membership in the Corporation shall be limited to those entities that, while not eligible to be Regular Members, are part of the public power sector of the electric industry.
Annual Dues: $440.00
Safety Meeting Program
Through the IMEA, municipal communities have access to highly trained, knowledgeable safety specialists to conduct interactive and hands-on safety meetings on site. Our safety and training team brings members nearly a century of combined knowledge and experience in the industry and are available to assist you with questions, concerns or help 24/7.
Participants in the Safety Meeting Program can elect to have; bimonthly meetings, monthly meetings or we can customize a meeting plan to meet your specific needs.
Safety Meeting Fees.
Bimonthly Meetings: Based on the members annual Kwh sales (IMEA Members)
Monthly Meetings: Fee will be equal to the bimonthly meeting fee + an additional meeting fee not to exceed $2025.00 (IMEA Members)
Affiliate Members, Associate Members and Non-Members: Contact the IMEA Staff for pricing