Our Mission

The Indiana Municipal Electric Association (IMEA) is a service organization formed over 83 years ago. IMEA is a forum for municipal utilities all across Indiana to pool resources for effective representation and continuing education, both of which are vital for survival in a dynamic industry.

“We (IMEA) are a non-for-profit organization functioning as the statewide service association representing the issues and concerns of municipally owned and operated electric utilities. We provide value to your ability to meet your municipal utility needs toward your associates and/or customers. We are committed to providing the latest training in all facets of safety as well as keeping you abreast of cutting edge technology and resources including leadership development, certified Journeyman / Apprentice training directed toward continuous improvement and exceeding way beyond our Members’ expectations.  We have a Board of Directors comprised of the municipalities’ own members that are committed to growing the membership and service to our association. “We invite you to be a part of this governance and we are committed to the advancement and protection of municipally-owned electric utilities believing the local municipalities and their citizens have the right to keep control and provide services that meet their own needs.”

Public Power at a Glance

There are over 2,000 public power communities across the nation. One out of seven Americans are served by a public power community. Public power utilities are public service institutions whose primary focus is to serve their customers. Their common purpose is to provide reliable and safe not-for-provide electricity at a reasonable price while protecting the environment.  The hallmark of public power is local control where citizens have a direct and powerful voice in utility decisions and policies.

Public Power in Indiana

Indiana is one of 49 states with public power systems.  Public Power has close to a 125-year tradition of service in Indiana.  Of the state’s 568 municipalities, 72 own and/or operate their electric utility.  The majority of Indiana’s public power systems have celebrated their centennial.  More than 500,000 Hoosiers own, control and are serviced by their municipal electric utility.

IMEA Member Services & Resources 

  • Education & Networking
  • Safety & Training
  • Legislative, Regulatory, and Limited Legal Assistance
  • Mutual Aid
  • DOL Journeyman Lineworker Apprentice Program
  • Annual Business Meeting & Vendor Expo
  • Educational Scholarships
  • Joint Programs & Committees
  • Public Relations
  • Public Power Promotions
  • Rate Services and Intervention
  • News Publications
  • Operation & Management
  • Member Directory
  • Website

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