2024 IMEA Apprentice Enrollment Registration Form

The Indiana Municipal Electric Association (IMEA) Lineworker Apprenticeship Program exists to provide the education, training, and administration necessary to fulfill Department of Labor (DOL) requirements for related instruction and work processes for DOL registered apprenticeship programs and to graduate lineworkers qualified to perform Journeyman level duties.

The Program requirements are:

Each member has standards registered with DOL
4 year/8000 hour program
IMEA interacts/assists with DOL on member’s behalf
IMEA facilitates program and training in-house
(4) IMEA Instructed Workshops (one per year)
IMEA 610 Wood Pole Qualified Climber (10 days) - Wood pole climbing qualified climber requirement documentation
IMEA 611 Basic Construction and Maintenance (5 days) - 200 amp underground and OH pole/conductor construction.
IMEA 612 Intermediate Construction and Maintenance (5 days) - 600 amp underground and OH distribution equipment installation.
IMEA 613 Advanced Construction and Maintenance (5 days) - Transformers/Operations/Troubleshooting
IMEA Top Out Exam(3 days)

IMEA Program Workbook

1 workbook per year/2000 hours to include:
On-the-job (OJT) hours tracking by instruction category;
Skills demonstration tracking (skills chosen by each utility from IMEA database);
Skills each year to be consistent with past workshop and leading to the next workshop;
Course outline to guide apprentices through IMEA provided text books for self study assignments;
IMEA graded quiz after each workbook chapter.

Registrant(s) Information

Registrant #1

Apprentice Name:
Apprentice Email:
Apprentice Cell Phone #:
Representing the City/Town of:
Supervisor Name:
Supervisor Email:
Supervisor Cell Phone #:
Date of Hire: ?

Registrant #2

Apprentice Name:
Apprentice Email:
Apprentice Cell Phone #:
Representing the City/Town of:
Supervisor Name:
Supervisor Email:
Supervisor Cell Phone #:
Date of Hire: ?

Registrant #3

Apprentice Name:
Apprentice Email:
Apprentice Cell Phone #:
Representing the City/Town of:
Supervisor Name:
Supervisor Email:
Supervisor Cell Phone #:
Date of Hire: ?

Registrant #4

Apprentice Name:
Apprentice Email:
Apprentice Cell Phone #:
Representing the City/Town of:
Supervisor Name:
Supervisor Email:
Supervisor Cell Phone #:
Date of Hire: ?